Bulford 092

A warm welcome

‘Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.’

Peter 4:10

At Bulford St Leonard’s C of E Primary School, we have a very special community with one clear ethos and vision: to create a better future for ourselves and all of God’s creation through service, stewardship and success.

I am so proud to be the Headteacher of this amazing school, having been here for 14 years, from NQT through to Deputy and now Headteacher.

As a school, we have had our challenges over the years but we are currently making marked improvements in developing our curriculum, teaching and learning and in the extra curricula offer our children receive. With an incredible staff team, a supportive community, continuous support from Acorn Education Trust along with our colleagues from the Diocese, we will continue on our journey of improvement to ensure our pupils are getting all that they deserve.

When you become a part of Team Bulford, you become part of an inclusive and supportive school family where all adults and children are valued and strong relationships are built on trust and respect.  

Whether you have come to our website as a current parent or a prospective parent I hope you find what you are looking for. To really get an understanding of what we are about I would urge you to get in touch, I would be happy to show you our amazing school and introduce you to our incredible team.


Mrs Karen Jeffery



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